Symposium 16

University Science in Russia in the 19th to 21st Centuries: the Regional Dimension

Alexander Sorokin | University of Tyumen
Andy Bruno | University of North Illinois


Chair: Alexander Sorokin

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Afternoon Session | 15:30-17:30
Venue: Marasleio Room 5

Galina Krivosheina | How to do away with “bourgeois science”: A story of scientific societies in Russia

Dmitry Khaminov | Regional Corporation of Soviet historians: society, state, authorities (the case of Siberia)

Vasilii Mironov | The specifics of the development of geology in Soviet and post-Soviet universities.

Evening Session | 18:00-20:00
Venue: Marasleio Room 5

Sergei I. Fokin | Wladimir T. Schewiakoff – scientist, teacher, science organizer

Mikhail Gribovskiy | The “Third Role” of Universities of the XIX – вeginning of the XX сentury: Realization of the Social Mission in Imperial Russia

Alexander Sorokin | University model of development of science on the example of Tomsk universities in the Soviet period

About the Symposium

Universities are currently entering the era of qualitative transformation of both research and educational processes as well as a management system and the content of academic professional activities. Under these conditions, the intellectual potential of a university professor becomes an important cultural capital, and universities, as institutions that facilitate its accumulation reproduction, are key factors of high competitiveness of state and society. It is important to note that, most of the research dealing with universities focus on the West. Thus non-Western practices, including Russia, of higher education management are ignored. Rare exceptions of studies on Africa, Korea, and China (see, eg: Balzer and Askonas 2016; Dezhina 2016) demonstrate that special attention should be paid to ways of how science and innovations are organized that differ regionally and globally. The absence of synthesizing research, both in general on the history of university-based science in Russia, and regional university particularisms highlights the topicality of this symposium.
The symposium is supposed to reconstruct the specifics of the development of science in the universities of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and modern Russia, taking into account the sociopolitical and economic transformations that took place in the country from the late XIX to the beginning of the XXI century. Specific emphasis will be placed on identifying and analyzing regional features of the development of science through the study of the following interrelated problems:
1. Analysis of the modernization function of science and its role in regional and national development (economics, politics, culture, social sphere, etc.), as well as forms of integration of university science, government and industry (on the example of regional university systems)
2. The problem concerning Russia’s universities’ performing their social functions (the third role of universities), which went beyond the framework of science and education.
3. Studying the macro-regional experience of organizing research and professional university communities outside central Russia —within the framework of regional university systems.
4. The problems of self-organization of researchers within the university