Tradition and Innovation in Mathematics in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Jean Christianidis | Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Ahmed Djebbar | Membre fondateur de l’Académie Algérienne des Sciences et Technologies, Professeur Emérite, Université de Lille 1
Chairs: Jean Christianidis & Ahmed Djebbar
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Morning Session | 09:00-11:00
Venue: Marasleio Room 5
Ahmed Djebbar | Les mathématiques grecques en Occident musulman: L’exemple des Eléments d’Euclide et de l’Introduction arithmétique de Nicomaque
Michalis Sialaros and Jean Christianidis | Rhetoric of Mathematics: The Case of Diophantus of Alexandria
Dora Touliatou | Indeterminate analysis in the “heronian”corpus? A new reading of problems 24.1-13 of Heron’s Geometrica
Ioanna Skoura | Computus ecclesiasticus in Byzantium
Noon Session | 11:30-13:30
Venue: Marasleio Room 5
Abdelmalek Bouzari | La géométrie des Coniques en Occident musulman
Athanasia Megremi | Problem solving tradition and Diophantine legacy in Greek Arithmetic: testimonies from the Anthologia Palatina
Ezzaim Laabid | Les procédés mathématiques utilisés dans la résolution des problèmes des héritages en occident musulman (XIe-XVe s) : entre tradition et innovation
Alain Bernard | Theon’s commentary on the Almagest, as series of problems
About the Symposium
Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages are two historical periods which have recently attracted much scholarly attention. This statement—the truth of which is evident for the case of Medieval Mathematics, and especially for the Arabic Mathematics—is valid also for the case of Late Antique Greek Mathematics. Being placed between Classical Antiquity and Modernity, this long period experienced the development of a multicultural and multilingual mathematical tradition, in terms of both content and form. Within this framework, aspects of tradition and innovation coexist. The principal aim of this colloquium is to further explore aspects of the mathematical production of this period by examining sources, interpretations, translations, mathematical methods, etc.